
Panchen Lama

Panchen-lama-of-tibet, Latest Marathi News

International : High-level Tibetan delegation visits London

International : Tibetans in-exile offer prayers on 34th birthday of 11th Panchen Lama, urge China to disclose his whereabouts

International : Toronto: Tibetans celebrate Panchem Lama's 34th birthday, call for his immediate release

International : China once again comes under UN scrutiny over human rights violations in Tibet

International : CCP started propaganda TV productions to interfere in reincarnation debates of 14th Dalai Lama: Report

International : Tibet calls for UN fact-finding mission to address atrocities by China

International : China continues to wage repression campaign against Tibetan community: US diplomat

International : China keeps Rinpoche's death a secret, reveals injustice to Tibetans

International : Failure to impose fake Panchen Lama embodies China's colonial rule over Tibet