
Penpa Tsering

Penpa-tsering, Latest Marathi News

International : Vienna: Members of Tibetan community protest against human rights violations by China

International : Tibetan govt-in-exile president raises concern over construction of dams on Brahmaputra river

Politics : Swiss parliamentarians apprised on brutal policies in Tibet

National : Need to tackle climate change, Dalai Lama tells world leaders

International : Responding to China's white paper, CTA releases book titled 'Tibet: 70 years of occupation and oppression'

International : Tibetans showing 'indomitable' courage against China: Penpa Tsering

Politics : Tibetan President thanks US for flagging China's abuses

International : Tibetan exiled leader accuses China of destroying Tibet's identity, calls it 'cultural genocide'

International : Dalai Lama wants to meet PM Modi soon, says President of Tibetan govt-in-exile

International : Talks possible if China allows Dalai Lama to visit Tibet, says president of Tibetan govt-in-exile