

Pentagon, Latest Marathi News

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The Department of Defense is an executive branch department of the federal government charged with coordinating and supervising all agencies and functions of the government concerned directly with national security and the United States Armed Forces.

International : Pentagon classified document leak 'suspect' faces charges in US court

International : Leak of classified documents a deliberate criminal act, Pentagon says

Politics : Leak of classified US Defence Dept documents risk to national security: Pentagon

International : US forms 'tiger team to expedite arms sales to Taiwan sooner

Politics : US public support for Ukraine wavering, but lawmakers firmly behind Zelensky

International : We're calling them objects, not balloons, for a reason, Pentagon on shooting unidentified object

International : China rejects Washington's request for phone call with US Defence Secy after balloon shoot down

International : Joe Biden wanted US to shoot down Chinese balloon as soon as possible

International : 'Spy balloon' in US airspace: China urges for cool headed handling of unexpected situation

International : US media, politicians using balloon incident to smear China, says Beijing