
Navendu Mishra

Prabhat-mishra, Latest Marathi News

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Navendu Prabhat Mishra is a BritishLabour Party politician who has served as the Member of Parliament for Stockport since 2019.

International : UK Labour leader Keir Starmer calls out Hinduphobia

Business : Leading personalities and brands honoured at British Parliament at WBR Corp's Asian UK Business Meet and Awards 2022

National : 4 UP youths feared drowned in Ganga river

International : Inaugural Indo -pacific dialogues in UK parliament explores geo political situation in region

International : Bikru revisited – A year after the carnage

National : Kanpur encounter main accused Vikas Dubey killed: UP Police

National : Security guards grew suspicious as Vikas Dubey refused to remove mask, says senior official of private security company