
Pratik mathur

Pratik-mathur, Latest Marathi News

Politics : Abolish veto rights or give them to new permanent members in reformed UNSC: India

International : Goes against sovereign equality of states: Counsellor Pratik Mathur addresses UNGA Plenary on Question of Veto

International : 11 UN Ambassadors visit Varanasi, explore Kashi Vishwanath Temple, Sanchi Stupa

Politics : India tells Pakistan to revisit its past responses to taunts; some weaponised humour

International : India supports peace process, capacity building in South Sudan

International : UN: India slams Pakistan for raking up Kashmir issue

International : UNSC meet on Syria: India cautions against possibility of terrorists gaining access to chemical weapons

International : India reaffirms its unflinching support to the people of Colombia at UNSC

International : India expresses concern over worsening situation in Ukraine

International : India at UNSC briefing opposes use of chemical weapons under any circumstances