
Radboud University

Radboud-university, Latest Marathi News

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Radboud University Nijmegen is a public university with a strong focus on research located in Nijmegen, the Netherlands. It was established on 17 October 1923 and is situated in the oldest city of the Netherlands.

Technology : Study reveals testosterone's effects on brain change, levels are higher during adolescence

Technology : Everything, including black holes, will eventually evaporate: Study

Technology : Researchers find new model of how brain functions

Technology : Explosive neutron star merger captured for the first time in millimeter light

Technology : Bacteria can generate electricity from methane: Study

Technology : Researchers reveal bacteria can generate electricity from methane

स्वास्थ्य : This 'smart shirt' can accurately monitor lung disease

स्वास्थ्य : Hypertension drug may slow down Alzheimer's in patients