
Ramu Ramanathan

Ramakrishnan-raman, Latest Marathi News

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Ramakrishnan Ramanathan popularly known as Ramu Ramanathan is an Indian playwright-director with acclaimed plays to his credit. His list of plays includes Cotton 56, Polyester 84; Jazz; Comrade Kumbhakarna; and more recently, Postcards From Bardoli.

Business : SIBM Pune, along with Swansea University, UK, are hosting seminar series Metaverse Retail: Opportunities and Challenges

Business : Unveiling the Metaverse: Symbiosis and Swansea University Collaborate for the Future of Business & Society

Business : The Research and Scholastic Development Team (RSDT) of SIBM Pune organized its annual flagship event 'Budget Symposium'

Business : SIBM Pune kickstarts the onboarding of MBA, MBA(I&E) and MBA(L&S) 2020-2022 programmes

Business : SIBM Pune planning to impart life skills needed for survival

कारोबार : SIBM Pune launches unique initiative to continue corporate engagement amid COVID-19 crisis

कारोबार : COVID -19 crisis - Symbiosis International (Deemed University) shows the way for others to follow