
Reliance brands

Reliance-brands, Latest Marathi News

Business : Isha Ambani to acquire Alia Bhatt's Ed-a-Mamma for Rs 300-350 crore

National : Fashion Design Council of India partners with Reliance Brands for the Hyundai India Couture Week

National : Fashion Design Council of India partners with Reliance Brands for the Hyundai India Couture Week

Business : Fashion Design Council partners with Reliance Brands for Hyundai India Couture Week

Entertainment : UK sandwich and coffee chain Pret A Manger launches in India

International : Reliance Brands to buy 40% in toymaker Plastic Legno SPA, signs JV

Lifestyle : Reliance Brands Ltd and Abu Jani Sandeep Khosla form a strategic partnership

Lifestyle : Rahul Mishra opens FDCI X Lakme Fashion Week in the capital

Lifestyle : Tory Burch Launches In India