
Smart City Mission

Smart-city-mission, Latest Marathi News

Aurangabad : Good response for admission in five CBSE schools of AMC

Aurangabad : State directed to submit proposal to Centre by June 15; orders Centre to approve it in one week

Aurangabad : ASCDCL sets target to complete 107 roads in nine months!

Aurangabad : Aurangabad ranks 14th position in Smart City Contest

Aurangabad : Mega works okayed under Smart City Mission to start from May

Aurangabad : ASCDCL claims of saving Rs 90 crore, so far!

Aurangabad : Aurangabad secures 15th position in Smart City Mission

Aurangabad : Smart City Mission projects to conclude by March 2022

National : Yogi govt to build 1.9 km-long market under Lahartara-Chowkaghat flyover in Varanasi

Aurangabad : Karad assures of allocating adequate funds for development under Smart City