
Special Operation Group

Special-operation-group, Latest Marathi News

National : J-K: ADG Mukesh Singh arrives in Poonch amid counter-terror operation

National : Terrorists trapped, Poonch-Rajouri-Jammu highway to be re-opened soon: DIG Vivek Gupta

National : Search operation underway following encounters with terrorists in J-K's Poonch

National : J-K: Counter-terrorist operation underway in Mendhar, Poonch

International : 3 Maoists killed in Odisha's Malkangiri district

National : Wanted criminal held after encounter with police in UP's Sambhal

National : Man, daughter killed in grenade explosion in Gujarat's Aravalli

National : Two jawans killed in gunfight with Maoists in Odisha

Politics : Court orders probe against Shekhawat in credit society scam

National : Special Operation Group busts Naxal camp in Odisha's Kandhamal