
The Lancet

The-lancet, Latest Marathi News

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The Lancet is a weekly peer-reviewed general medical journal. It is among the world's oldest, and best known general medical journals, although it has been at the center of recent controversies.

Health : Covid-19 pandemic worsened cancer burden in India

National : Lancet study stating that protection offered by Covishield declines after 3 months is misquoted, say experts

National : Oxford-AstraZeneca Covid vax protection wanes after 3 months: Lancet

National : Omicron will cause third wave, but not as devastating as in other countries: Dr Padmanabha Shenoy

National : Bharat Biotech's Covaxin phase 3 data shows 77.8 pc efficacy against COVID-19, says Lancet

Health : Common antidepressant should no longer be used to treat people with dementia, says study

International : Heatwaves, extreme droughts in 2020 had worst impact on heath: Lancet

Health : Nod to export of 40 lakh India-made Sputnik Light doses to Russia

Health : Don't bottle up pandemic-induced stress, start socialising: Experts

Health : Sputnik's single-dose vax gets DCGI nod for Phase-III trials in India