
The world health orgsation

The-world-health-orgsation, Latest Marathi News

Technology : Researchers develop new immunotherapy treatment to target respiratory viral infections

International : UAE sends 30 tonnes of urgent food supplies to Sudan

National : Someone duplicated cough syrup to defame India: Managing Director, QP Pharma Chem Ltd after WHO issues alert

National : It is a golden moment for other countries to learn from India: WHO's India representative Dr Roderico Ofrin

Health : Study finds how single drop of blood can detect HIV, hepatitis B, hepatitis C

National : Vice President Dhankhar calls on citizens to dedicate an hour each day to their own health for well-being of nation

International : Without full access to information that China has, you cannot say this or that, WHO chief on origin of Covid

National : IMA celebrates World Health Day, organises mega walkathon in Delhi

National : Nation fulfilling resolution of Global Good by organizing 'One World TB Summit': PM on World TB Day

International : Omicron could have 'major impact', but no definitive answers yet: WHO