

Twitter-twitter, Latest Marathi News

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Twitter is an American microblogging and social networking service on which users post and interact with messages known as "tweets". Registered users can post, like, and retweet tweets, but unregistered users can only read them.

Technology : Elon Musk isn't doing right for Twitter: Jack Dorsey

Entertainment : Abhishek Bachchan reacts to fan asking him letting Aishwarya work more

Technology : Twitter to allow media publishers to charge users per article, Elon Musk announces

National : PM Modi praises completion of Anji Khad Bridge, India's first cable-stayed rail bridge

National : PM Modi urges women to enrol for Mahila Samman Saving Certificate

Politics : Brazil's Lula recognises 6 new indigenous reserves

International : As Operation Kaveri progresses, another C-17 flight carrying 392 passengers reaches Delhi from Jeddah

Politics : Kerala CM Pinarayi Vijayan meets UAE, Vietnam ambassadors to India in Delhi

National : TN: DMK MP Kanimozhi demands Annamalai's apology over 'disrespect' of state anthem during BJP's campaign in K'taka

Politics : How can anyone be so insensitive about suicide: Rahul Gandhi slams PM Modi over joke