
United Nations Security Council

Un-security-council-resolutions, Latest Marathi News

International : India says UN Security Council must be made more representative of developing countries

International : G4 highlights urgency for reformation in UN Security Council

International : Maldives to support India's candidature to UN Security Council

International : UK supports India's bid for a permanent seat at UNSC: British High Commissioner

International : India welcomes UN's decision of listing Abdul Rehman Makki as global terrorist

International : 'It's a time of great pride in our diplomacy': Former Foreign secy Shringla on global terrorist tag on Hafiz Saeed's brother-in-law

International : China cannot thwart India...: India's former Permanent Representative to UN Syed Akbaruddin hails Makki's listing as 'Global terrorist'

International : Relentless diplomatic pressure by India leads to Makki's 'Global terrorist' designation

International : UN lists Pak's Abdul Rehman Makki as global terrorist under UNSC sanctions committee

International : UN lists Pak's Abdul Rehman Makki as global terrorist under UNSC sanctions committe