
Uma Bharti

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Uma Bharti is an Indian politician and former Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh. She became involved with the BJP at a young age, unsuccessfully contesting her first parliamentary elections in 1984.

Politics : Uma Bharti takes u-turn on MP govt's excise policy

Politics : Allahabad HC rejects revision petition in Babri demolition case

Politics : Uma Bharti slams Shivraj; seeks Nadda's intervention on liquor policy

Politics : Now, Uma Bharti throws cow dung at liquor shop in MP

Politics : Uma Bharti once again takes on Shivraj govt on liquor issue

Politics : Uma Bharati: Ayodhya, Kashi, Mathura a matter of faith for Hindus, like Mecca-Medina is for Muslims (IANS interview)

Politics : Shivraj Singh talking to me through media, says Uma Bharti

Politics : Bhopal: Days after Uma Bharti vandalised liquor shop, new shop to open in same area

Politics : Uma Bharti reminds Chouhan of his anti-liquor campaign promise

Politics : Uma Bharti vandalises liquor shop in Bhopal