
Energy Information Administration

Us-energy-information-administration, Latest Marathi News

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The U.S. Energy Information Administration is a principal agency of the U.S. Federal Statistical System responsible for collecting, analyzing, and disseminating energy information to promote sound policymaking, efficient markets, and public understanding of energy and its interaction with the economy and the environment.

Business : US crude, diesel stocks up last week amid signs of demand destruction in oil: EIA

Business : US oil output seen near record high in 2023, averaging 13Mln barrels daily: EIA

Business : Brent oil to average USD 117/Bbl in March, up 30pc from February

International : Weekly storage of natural gas in US up: EIA

International : US households heated with natural gas face 30pc increase in winter bills: Energy Dept

Aurangabad : Registration for NET begins

Politics : Masks recommended in US schools for everyone over 2 yrs

Business : Ace of Spades PR Agency: Who should get published in the press?

Business : Celebration is the new marketing buzz word as Bubble Communication celebrates 10 years of bringing limelight

Business : Uncertainties remain in energy market due to Covid