
Amazon Web Services

Virtual-customer-service, Latest Marathi News

Technology : 18-year-old hacks Uber as employees share emoji with him on Slack

International : Invested $3.71 bn in Cloud infra, jobs in India since 2016: AWS

Technology : Google Cloud to disband IoT Core Service from Aug 2023

International : Eupheus Learning partners with AWS to launch 'NEP STAR School' initiative

International : AWS, Intel empower govtech and edtech startups in Hyderabad

Technology : AWS now has $79 bn annual sales run rate as top Cloud provider

Technology : Amazon stock up 14% despite 2nd consecutive quarterly loss

Technology : Ex-AWS engineer convicted of hacking data of 100 mn customers

National : AWS, Intel help edtech CXOs take deep dive into key issues in India

Technology : We are creating a simplified investing ecosystem: Crypto unicorn CoinSwitch