

Dag, Latest News

Dagenham & Redbridge Football Club, often known simply as Dagenham and abbreviated when written to Dag & Red, is a professional association football club based in Dagenham, London, England.
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Y­ou don't have to be a scholar to like a painting - Hindi News | Y­ou don't have to be a scholar to like a painting | Latest national News at

National :Y­ou don't have to be a scholar to like a painting

(life) The term 'primitivism' is used frequently in discussions and writings on art. The genesis of the term can be traced to Western art, where it gained popularity from the works of the early Renaissance artists. Indian primitivism may have grown a ...

For the sake of art - Hindi News | For the sake of art | Latest entertainment News at

Entertainment :For the sake of art

(life) If art is recession proof then galleries which house some of the most famous works as well as artists need to make their presence felt. Which is possibly one of the reasons why Delhi Art Gallery (DAG) has a new address in the middle of Lutyens ...