
Esther Perez Ruiz

Esther perez ruiz, Latest News

IMF wants Pakistan to 'do more' than just levying taxes, says it should find ways to enhance competitiveness of economy - Hindi News | IMF wants Pakistan to 'do more' than just levying taxes, says it should find ways to enhance competitiveness of economy | Latest international News at

International :IMF wants Pakistan to 'do more' than just levying taxes, says it should find ways to enhance competitiveness of economy

The International Monetary Fund does not seem to be satisfied with the Imran Khan government despite the latter increased taxes on a number of products and services in Pakistan as IMF's Resident Representative Esther Perez Ruiz conveyed that Islamaba ...

IMF defer Pakistan's 6th review to release USD 1 billion - Hindi News | IMF defer Pakistan's 6th review to release USD 1 billion | Latest international News at

International :IMF defer Pakistan's 6th review to release USD 1 billion

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) on Monday deferred Pakistan's consideration of the completion of the sixth review and release of a USD 1 billion tranche under the Extended Fund Facility (EFF). ...