

Glioblastoma, Latest News

Scientists find deadly brain cancer's hidden weakness - Hindi News | Scientists find deadly brain cancer's hidden weakness | Latest technology News at

Technology :Scientists find deadly brain cancer's hidden weakness

Washington [US], May 12 : Brain cancer is a difficult-to-treat disease. As it progresses, glioblastoma destroys a person's mental ... ...

Blocking fat storage might offer new way to treat most lethal form of brain cancer - Hindi News | Blocking fat storage might offer new way to treat most lethal form of brain cancer | Latest technology News at

Technology :Blocking fat storage might offer new way to treat most lethal form of brain cancer

Glioblastoma is a lethal form of brain cancer that accumulates fats in lipid droplets and uses them as energy for rapid cell division. Blocking an enzyme that GBM cells use to form the lipid droplets might offer a new way to treat this deadly disease ...