
Kalimpong, News

Kalimpong, Latest News

Kalimpong is a city and a municipality in the Indian state of West Bengal. It is located at an average elevation of 1,250 metres. The city is the headquarters of the Kalimpong district. The Indian Army's 27 Mountain Division is located on the outskirts of the city.Kalimpong is known for its educational institutions, many of which were established during the British colonial period. It used to be a gateway in the trade between Tibet and India before China's annexation of Tibet and the Sino-Indian War.
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1,071 companies of central forces deployed for fifth phase election in Bengal - Hindi News | 1,071 companies of central forces deployed for fifth phase election in Bengal | Latest politics News at

Politics :1,071 companies of central forces deployed for fifth phase election in Bengal

The fifth phase of West Bengal assembly elections on Saturday will be held with the deployment of 1,071 companies of central forces for ensuring a peaceful election. ...

Kalimpong for a holiday - Hindi News | Kalimpong for a holiday | Latest entertainment News at

Entertainment :Kalimpong for a holiday

(life) Located at a height of 1,247 metres (3,933 ft) above sea level, Kalimpong is just 51 km from Darjeeling and 70 km from Siliguri. There are two National Highways originating at Siliguri that take you up to Darjeeling and Kalimpong. Though the d ...