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Assam administers total 7921 'precautionary dose' of COVID-19 vaccine today - Hindi News | Assam administers total 7921 'precautionary dose' of COVID-19 vaccine today | Latest national News at

National :Assam administers total 7921 'precautionary dose' of COVID-19 vaccine today

In Assam, over 7,921 healthcare workers, frontline workers and senior citizens got the 'precaution dose' on the first day of booster vaccination in the state, the Assam government said on Monday. ...

Wreath-laying ceremony of Rifleman Suman Swargiary of Assam Rifles held in Guwahati - Hindi News | Wreath-laying ceremony of Rifleman Suman Swargiary of Assam Rifles held in Guwahati | Latest national News at

National :Wreath-laying ceremony of Rifleman Suman Swargiary of Assam Rifles held in Guwahati

The wreath-laying ceremony of Rifleman Suman Swargiary of 46 Assam Rifles, who was killed in a terror attack in Manipur on Saturday, was held in Guwahati on Monday. ...