
Mrc Epidemiology Unit, News

Mrc epidemiology unit, Latest News

Walking daily for just 11 min can prevent risk of early death - Hindi News | Walking daily for just 11 min can prevent risk of early death | Latest health News at

Health :Walking daily for just 11 min can prevent risk of early death

London, March 1 Just 11 minutes a day (or 75 minutes a week) of brisk walking, dancing, riding ... ...

Here's how brain uses nutritional state to regulate growth, age at puberty - Hindi News | Here's how brain uses nutritional state to regulate growth, age at puberty | Latest health News at

Health :Here's how brain uses nutritional state to regulate growth, age at puberty

Through a recent study, scientists have explained how humans have been growing taller and reaching sexual maturity earlier over the past century. ...

Scientists discover how brain uses nutritional state to regulate growth, age at puberty - Hindi News | Scientists discover how brain uses nutritional state to regulate growth, age at puberty | Latest technology News at

Technology :Scientists discover how brain uses nutritional state to regulate growth, age at puberty

Scientists have discovered how a receptor in the brain, called MC3R, detects the nutritional state of the body and regulates the timing of puberty and rate of growth in children and increases lean muscle mass. ...

Study reveals moderate exercise in older age cuts time spent in hospital - Hindi News | Study reveals moderate exercise in older age cuts time spent in hospital | Latest lifestyle News at

Lifestyle :Study reveals moderate exercise in older age cuts time spent in hospital

People of age group between 40-79 should engage themselves in physical activities to remain healthy as a recent study advocates that people falling in the said age bracket are significantly at lower risk of long or frequent hospital admissions if the ...

Moderate exercise in middle, older age cuts time spent in hospital - Hindi News | Moderate exercise in middle, older age cuts time spent in hospital | Latest health News at

Health :Moderate exercise in middle, older age cuts time spent in hospital

People aged 40-79 are at significantly lower risk of long or frequent hospital admissions if they do some form of physical activity, a new study suggests.Inactive participants in the study spent just over 4 days more in hospital over the next ten yea ...