
National Covid-19 Supermodel Committee, News

National covid-19 supermodel committee, Latest News

Omicron cases may outpace COVID-19 Delta surge but only mild cases reported in India so far: Experts - Hindi News | Omicron cases may outpace COVID-19 Delta surge but only mild cases reported in India so far: Experts | Latest national News at

National :Omicron cases may outpace COVID-19 Delta surge but only mild cases reported in India so far: Experts

With almost 90 countries reporting cases of Omicron, health experts in India believe that due to its high transmissibility rate, the number of cases of the new COVID-19 variant may outpace the speed at which the Delta variant surged during the devast ...

Omicron driven third wave in India likely to peak in Feb: Covid Supermodel Panel - Hindi News | Omicron driven third wave in India likely to peak in Feb: Covid Supermodel Panel | Latest national News at

National :Omicron driven third wave in India likely to peak in Feb: Covid Supermodel Panel

Daily COVID-19 caseload in India that is currently around 7,500 infections is expected to increase once the Omicron starts displacing Delta as the dominant variant, informed members of the National COVID-19 Supermodel Committee and predicted the thir ...