
Ranjeet, News

Ranjeet, Latest News

Gopal Bedi is an actor in Indian films and television, born in Jandiala Guru near Amritsar. He has played mostly character roles, with roles as the villain dominating his over 200 Hindi films.
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JDU MP's son claims his mother is locked in farmhouse, blames his father's woman secretary - Hindi News | JDU MP's son claims his mother is locked in farmhouse, blames his father's woman secretary | Latest national News at

National :JDU MP's son claims his mother is locked in farmhouse, blames his father's woman secretary

Ranjeet Sharma -- son of JDU Rajya Sabha MP from Bihar Dr Mahendra Prasad -- has accused his father's secretary Uma Devi of keeping his mother hostage in a farmhouse and not allowing him to meet his father. ...