
Research and Analysis Wing

Research-and-analysis-wing, Latest Marathi News

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The Research and Analysis Wing is the foreign intelligence agency of India. The agency's primary function is gathering foreign intelligence, counter-terrorism, counter-proliferation, advising Indian policymakers, and advancing India's foreign strategic interests.

Entertainment : Katrina Kaif all set to kick-start shoot for 'Tiger 3' post lockdown

Aurangabad : New CBI chief Jaiswal had made an impact in city, as young additional SP, he instilled fear among criminals, handled riots well

National : 'RAW' wounds fester for this UP man

International : RAW chief's Nepal visit stir controversy

International : A former R&AW officer unravels the path to 1984 in his book `The Khalistan Conspiracy'

International : A former RAW officer unravels the path to 1984 in his book `The Khalistan Conspiracy'

Politics : Former RAW chief Anil Dhasmana appointed NTRO head