
Sahibabad Police

Sahibabad police, Latest News

Mother sends son to buy groceries, he returns with wife - Hindi News | Mother sends son to buy groceries, he returns with wife | Latest national News at

National :Mother sends son to buy groceries, he returns with wife

Tasked to ensure the enforcement of lockdown in view of the coronavirus pandemic, the district's Sahibabad Police were on Wednesday surprised when a mother came to the police station complaining that she had sent her son to buy groceries but he retur ...

Mother sends son to buy groceries, he returns with wife - Hindi News | Mother sends son to buy groceries, he returns with wife | Latest national News at

National :Mother sends son to buy groceries, he returns with wife

Tasked to ensure the enforcement of lockdown in view of the coronavirus pandemic, the district's Sahibabad Police were on Wednesday surprised when a mother came to the police station complaining that she had sent her son to buy groceries but he retur ...