
Suranjan Das

Suranjan-das, Latest Marathi News

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Suranjana Das was a pilot in the Indian Air Force. He joined the Royal Indian Air Force during the World War 2. He was amongst the first pilots to be sent to Empire Test Pilots School to a test pilot for the Indian Air force. He was a group captain.

Aurangabad : 90 Vice-chancellors attend 'West Zone VCs-meet’

Aurangabad : Education field needs reforms in 360 degree

: JU students block Governor's car, show black flags

: Dhankhar accuses Jadavpur University EC of overstepping

: Dhankhar meets JU officials, Bengal government disapproves

: WB Governor meets Jadavpur University's V-C at hospital

: Bengal Guv rushes to save Supriyo, heckled in JU (Roundup)

: Supriyo's detention a reflection on Bengal law & order: Guv

: Babul Supriyo heckled at Jadavpur University