
Tatiana Schnur, News

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Study reveals analysing patients shortly after stroke can help link brain regions to speech functions - Hindi News | Study reveals analysing patients shortly after stroke can help link brain regions to speech functions | Latest News at

:Study reveals analysing patients shortly after stroke can help link brain regions to speech functions

Researchers have found that analysing the brains of stroke patients just days after the stroke can help them link various speech functions to different parts of the brain. The recent study from Rice University and Baylor College of Medicine may lead ...

Analysing patients shortly after stroke can help link brain regions to speech functions: Study - Hindi News | Analysing patients shortly after stroke can help link brain regions to speech functions: Study | Latest health News at

Health :Analysing patients shortly after stroke can help link brain regions to speech functions: Study

Analysing the brains of stroke patients just days after the stroke allows researchers to link various speech functions to different parts of the brain according to new research from Rice University and Baylor College of Medicine. This important break ...