Are you trustworthy?

By Lokmat English Desk | Published: February 15, 2022 06:40 PM2022-02-15T18:40:02+5:302022-02-15T18:40:02+5:30

Dr Mansi Karajgaonkar Fear has taken over. Fear is all around us and within us. Fear has evidently become ...

Are you trustworthy? | Are you trustworthy?

Are you trustworthy?

Dr Mansi Karajgaonkar

Fear has taken over. Fear is all around us and within us. Fear has evidently become the inside out phenomenon now. These days, we are dreadfully fearful to meet people, attend the parties, events, which we enjoyed immensely a while ago. We loved working in our office spaces, with the work environment and the work vibe, and now the times are such that we are fearful to step out of the house and we are fearful even to breathe. Apparently, there are viruses in the air, diseases in the body and fear in the mind.

What is fear? as darkness is absence of light, similarly fear is absence of faith.

Faith in whom? Faith in God, Universe, Energy, Deities, Processes (Meditation, Pranayama, Kriyas, Exercises) anything or anyone, including our own selves.

Resistance to faith is fear.

Faith is zero resistance. These days our appetite of fear seems to be more than appetite of faith. Our inner self has practiced meticulously to resist resist and resist. We have to give ourselves a little ease to go with the flow. Being with ease and being in ease is going with the flow. And going with the flow is faith.

Faith in someone or something means trusting or believing and it surely starts with trusting and believing in ourselves and more often than not we don’t trust ourselves. May be somewhere deep inside we know that we aren’t trustworthy enough ourselves! It needs our constant attention in ourselves to become trustworthy to begin with.

Curiosity and doubtfulness may sound similar. However, they have significantly different nature and meaning. There is significant difference between being curious and being doubtful. Our bend is more towards the doubts than to the curiosity. Because we are often doubtful about our own selves. To start with, we are doubtful about own selves and then of course we become doubtful about others. There comes a time when we are doubtful about everyone and everything around, giving rise to lack of faith or absence of faith about ourselves and others creating ample space for fear.

Our doubtfulness from the inside reflects and radiates fear from the inside as well as the outside. Let’s Inhale Faith and Exhale Fear.

To sum this up, elevated awareness about the self is vital. Let’s be trustworthy to ourselves and others. Let’s choose curiosity over doubt. Let’s be conscious about channelizing the energies going towards the fear and make them go towards the faith. Faith is going with the flow gracefully. Only if we go with the flow, we will glow with the flow. Let’s keep going and let’s keep glowing.

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