How to Get More Followers on Instagram

By Impact Desk | Published: March 30, 2024 12:49 PM2024-03-30T12:49:23+5:302024-03-30T12:50:18+5:30

There’s a grind in growing an Instagram following. If you’re here, you’re probably looking to turn your precious Instagram ...

How to Get More Followers on Instagram | How to Get More Followers on Instagram

How to Get More Followers on Instagram

There’s a grind in growing an Instagram following. If you’re here, you’re probably looking to turn your precious Instagram profile from a casual hangout to a booming spot where followers keep coming back for more and more content. Not only that, but you might’ve been trying to grow your following, and it’s not working out as you wanted it to quite yet. So here are some tips and strategies to give you a little boost on how to get more followers on Instagram.

1. Turn Your Bio Into a Storytelling Masterpiece

Your bio is the first thing people see when they click on your profile. So, while you’re on the follower-growing quest, why not make it a compelling opener to your story? Think of it as the back cover of a book that makes someone decide to check out the first chapter and take it from there. Briefly talk about who you are and what you do, and add hints of personality. You might even squeeze in a call-to-action, like inviting them to explore your latest project or to slide into your DMs for collaborations. Just make it look organic, not desperate.

2. Instagram Stories

Instagram Stories are a bit like your daily vlog channel, so take advantage of that quirk. Share the highs, the lows, and the hilarious (or frustrating) in-betweens. Use polls, questions, challenges, and quizzes to turn passive viewers into active participants sharing their thoughts and feedback. When they can freely communicate, you get a direct line to what your audience loves, wants, and needs from you, in their own words.

3. The Carousel Posts

Carousel posts are the Instagram equivalent of a mini-gallery. Use these posts to tell a story, share knowledge, or show off an epic adventure or project from start to finish. They give a little push to potential followers to swipe through, which drives up engagement and, by extension, the visibility of your content.

4. IGTV Series

If you want to get more followers, why not start an IGTV series that your followers can look forward to every week? Such a series is great for making you seem more serious about being an Instagram influencer instead of yet another casual poster. Start a “Tuesday Tips,” or a “Friday Funnies,” or “Weekend Wanderlust.” Make it something you can do for fun regularly, and plan at least a few weeks ahead. A series keeps an audience coming back for more. Eventually, watching your content and anticipating it every week will become a part of their routine.

5. The Comment Section

Treat your comments section with the enthusiasm of a kid at a birthday party. If you only post content but disappear when the time comes to engage, your community won’t like it. It will make you feel detached and disengaged, which is the last thing you want when trying to grow an Instagram following.

Instead, talk, reply, and spark conversations. It’ll show your followers that you value their input and tell Instagram’s algorithm that your content is worth boosting.

6. Reach Out Outside Your Niche

Collaborating within your niche is great and is strongly recommended. However, stepping outside your comfort zone can introduce you to an entirely new audience. Find common ground with creators in different niches for a fresh take on collaborations. Of course, there needs to be a reason for such a collab, but so long as you can make it natural, you can come up with the wildest of crossovers.

7. Hashtag Roulette

Instead of sticking to the same old hashtags you’ve been using for your content for years, play a game of hashtag roulette. Experiment with different hashtags related to your post’s content, your niche, or trending topics. Keep track of which ones bring in the most people eager to click and repost, and refine your hashtag strategy over time.

8. The Power of a Nudge

Sometimes, all you need is a little nudge to get the momentum going. It’s easier to find a service like that than you might realize. Websites that offer follower boosts for Instagram, can help you get started quicker and maintain momentum instead of struggling to get the first few followers. After all, the hardest step is the very first one.

9. Reels and More Reels

Reels have become the beating heart of Instagram since their introduction. They’re a neat in-between, more involved than photos but not as attention-demanding as videos. Use them cleverly and often to show your creativity. Jump on trends, show something neat you’ve been working on, share bite-sized tips and tricks, and just do whatever suits your style. The more original your reels are, the more likely they’re to be featured on the Explore page, opening the floodgates to new followers.

10. Feedback Loops: Listen and Adapt

Here’s another idea that might not come to mind right away but is so obvious once you think of it: create a feedback loop. Use polls, questions, and direct messages to gather insights from your followers about what they love and what they want to see more. And don’t fear some constructive criticism. Even some negative comments can be quite a treasure for learning. Then, adapt your content accordingly. It shows your audience that their voice matters and helps you fine-tune your content to attract even more followers. Once you attract more followers, even more will follow suit. That’s the power of a feedback loop.

Go Get Those Followers

Watching the numbers grow on Instagram is both a tough challenge, with all the other content creators fighting for the attention of followers, and an exciting adventure. But if you experiment, talk and respond, have a bit of a strategy, and perhaps give followers a little nudge, you can make it. Make your content coherent but diverse, be genuine and sociable, and give your growth a little boost once in a while.

Remember that while it might look like just a number going up, your followers are real people. You must be true to them and give them what they want, and then they will want to stick around.

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