
Akash Rughani

Akash rughani, Latest News

IAQS-Patkar Varde College collaborates with global professional services firm Marsh McLennan, To Offer Mentorship via paid internships to Students - Hindi News | IAQS-Patkar Varde College collaborates with global professional services firm Marsh McLennan, To Offer Mentorship via paid internships to Students | Latest business News at

Business :IAQS-Patkar Varde College collaborates with global professional services firm Marsh McLennan, To Offer Mentorship via paid internships to Students

With a mission to guide students towards a brighter future, Patkar-Varde College in association with the Institute of Actuarial and Quantitative Studies (IAQS) has joined hands with Marsh McLennan to build a skilled workforce and advance research in ...

Be an Actuary - A promising career option in the coming decade - Hindi News | Be an Actuary - A promising career option in the coming decade | Latest business News at

Business :Be an Actuary - A promising career option in the coming decade

These unprecedented times have drastically affected human lives, jobs, businesses and markets all across the world in ways we could have never imagined. ...