
Anumita Nadesan

Anumita nadesan, Latest News

Pina Colada Blues and Anumita Nadesan come together to create a musical masterpiece 'Tera Nishaan', food for your soul - Hindi News | Pina Colada Blues and Anumita Nadesan come together to create a musical masterpiece 'Tera Nishaan', food for your soul | Latest business News at

Business :Pina Colada Blues and Anumita Nadesan come together to create a musical masterpiece 'Tera Nishaan', food for your soul

Even when Bollywood music frequently comes under critique, independent songs continue to warm our hearts. Pina Colada Blues' newest song Tera Nishaan, with Anumita Nadesan on vocals, is one such track that will enchant the audience. ...

Anumita Nadesan's indie track 'Khwaab' featuring Moj creator Bhavi garners 6 Billion Plays on Moj - Hindi News | Anumita Nadesan's indie track 'Khwaab' featuring Moj creator Bhavi garners 6 Billion Plays on Moj | Latest business News at

Business :Anumita Nadesan's indie track 'Khwaab' featuring Moj creator Bhavi garners 6 Billion Plays on Moj

Music that soothes the soul and radiates hope is the music that truly elevates one's mood. Anumita Nadesan's latest track featuring Moj creator Bhavi has been receiving a massive response as the song redefines the feeling of hope and the power of con ...