
Cmu, News

Cmu, Latest News

Carnegie Mellon University is a private research university based in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Founded in 1900 by Andrew Carnegie as the Carnegie Technical Schools, the university became the Carnegie Institute of Technology in 1912 and began granting four-year degrees.
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Ph D conferred on Shruti Palaskar - Hindi News | Ph D conferred on Shruti Palaskar | Latest aurangabad News at

Aurangabad :Ph D conferred on Shruti Palaskar

Aurangabad, May 24: Pittsburgh-based Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) conferred Ph D upon Shruti Jayant Palaskar in Language and Information ... ...

Researchers develop app to help couples communicate directly from heart - Hindi News | Researchers develop app to help couples communicate directly from heart | Latest lifestyle News at

Lifestyle :Researchers develop app to help couples communicate directly from heart

Even though people stayed in touch during the pandemic's stay-at-home orders and social distancing, it was easy to feel out of touch with loved ones. Hence, CMU, Snap researchers recently developed a smartwatch app that uses heart rate to communicate ...

New tool to make Internet memes convenient for visually impaired people - Hindi News | New tool to make Internet memes convenient for visually impaired people | Latest international News at

International :New tool to make Internet memes convenient for visually impaired people

In a new study researchers have developed a tool that will enable visually impaired people who find it difficult to understand memes, to enjoy them. ...

New tool makes internet memes accessible for visually impaired people - Hindi News | New tool makes internet memes accessible for visually impaired people | Latest lifestyle News at

Lifestyle :New tool makes internet memes accessible for visually impaired people

Since people with visual impairments find it difficult to understand memes even with the help of screen reader software, researchers designed a new tool that will enable them to enjoy memes. ...