
David F Helvey, News

David f helvey, Latest News

As it looks to reset ties with America, Pak bends again by allowing airspace to US warplanes - Hindi News | As it looks to reset ties with America, Pak bends again by allowing airspace to US warplanes | Latest international News at

International :As it looks to reset ties with America, Pak bends again by allowing airspace to US warplanes

In another move within recent months to reset relations with the United States, Pakistan has granted permission for US warplanes to use its airspace in support of forces fighting the Taliban forces in Afghanistan, Tom Hussain writes for South China M ...

Pakistan denies presence of US military or air base in country - Hindi News | Pakistan denies presence of US military or air base in country | Latest international News at

International :Pakistan denies presence of US military or air base in country

Pakistan on late Monday denied the presence of any US military or air base in the country. ...