
Demosisto, News

Demosisto, Latest News

Agnes Chow Ting is a Hong Kong social activist. She is the member of the Standing Committee of Demosistō and former spokesperson of Scholarism.
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HK students strike on 1st day of school year - Hindi News | HK students strike on 1st day of school year | Latest international News at

International :HK students strike on 1st day of school year

Thousands of defiant school students across Hong Kong skipped classes on Monday, using the first day of the new academic year to add their voices to anti-government protests which has fuelled months of unrest in the city. ...

Massive protest in Hong Kong against China extradition bill - Hindi News | Massive protest in Hong Kong against China extradition bill | Latest international News at

International :Massive protest in Hong Kong against China extradition bill

Tens of thousands of protestors took to the streets of Hong Kong on Sunday to protest against the recently proposed extradition rules by the government that would allow criminal suspects in the city to be sent to mainland China for trial. ...