

Forrester, Latest News

Forrester is an American market research company that provides advice on existing and potential impact of technology, to its clients and the public. Their 2016 adjusted EBITDA was $29.3 million and their 2015 adjusted EBITDA was $26.5 million.
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Amazon, Flipkart to generate $4.8 bn from festive sale - Hindi News | Amazon, Flipkart to generate $4.8 bn from festive sale | Latest business News at

Business :Amazon, Flipkart to generate $4.8 bn from festive sale

There is no slowdown when it comes to consumer spending and online retailers like Amazon and Flipkart in India are expected to generate about $4.8 billion in sales from September 25 to October 29, mitigating the impact of the general economic gloom. ...

India driving more revenue per user for social media firms - Hindi News | India driving more revenue per user for social media firms | Latest national News at

National :India driving more revenue per user for social media firms

As user growth on various social media platforms in the key global markets slows down, India is helping social media players clock more revenue per user in the Asia-Pacific region, thus driving the overall social advertising spend, a new report said ...

Not regulation but Facebook's dream to become WeChat may kill it - Hindi News | Not regulation but Facebook's dream to become WeChat may kill it | Latest business News at

Business :Not regulation but Facebook's dream to become WeChat may kill it

Facebook which accounts for 75 per cent of global ad spend that is likely to hit $110 billion by 2020 is nowhere near an immediate demise and government regulations would only strengthen the social networking giant in the short term, a new Forrester ...

Facebook's digital coin set to run into rough weather - Hindi News | Facebook's digital coin set to run into rough weather | Latest national News at

National :Facebook's digital coin set to run into rough weather

Sensing a multi-billion dollar opportunity to improve the cross-border payments system, Facebook is launching its own digital coin called 'Libra' next year which is set to run into rough weather with several governments, including India, not treating ...

Reliance Retail set to disrupt Amazon, Walmart-Flipkart: Report - Hindi News | Reliance Retail set to disrupt Amazon, Walmart-Flipkart: Report | Latest business News at

Business :Reliance Retail set to disrupt Amazon, Walmart-Flipkart: Report

Reliance Retail's upcoming entry into the online retail sector is the biggest challenge for Amazon and Walmart-Flipkart as the Mukesh Ambani-led behemoth is well positioned to create massive disruption in the market, a new report has stressed. ...