
Heart Research

Heart research, Latest News

Study: Change in how heart produces energy can be key to preventing heart failure - Hindi News | Study: Change in how heart produces energy can be key to preventing heart failure | Latest health News at

Health :Study: Change in how heart produces energy can be key to preventing heart failure

Heart failure is often identified only when the heart has already deteriorated. This is in large part because the ... ...

'Revolutionary' pacemaker reverses heart failure: Study - Hindi News | 'Revolutionary' pacemaker reverses heart failure: Study | Latest technology News at

Technology :'Revolutionary' pacemaker reverses heart failure: Study

A pacemaker is a small device that's placed (implanted) in the chest to help control the heartbeat. It's used to prevent the heart from beating too slowly. A recent study has elaborated on a revolutionary pacemaker, that re-established the heart's na ...

Scientists discover crucial link between high blood pressure and diabetes - Hindi News | Scientists discover crucial link between high blood pressure and diabetes | Latest health News at

Health :Scientists discover crucial link between high blood pressure and diabetes

One of the long-standing medical mysteries is the diagnosis of diabetes (high blood sugar) in majority of patients suffering from high blood pressure (hypertension). The reason for this had been unknown. But now, an international team of universities ...