

Hisar, Latest News

Hisar is the administrative headquarters of Hisar district of Hisar division in the state of Haryana in northwestern India. It is located 164 km to the west of New Delhi, India's capital, and has been identified as a counter-magnet city for the National Capital Region to develop as an alternative center of growth to Delhi.
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I-T raids end on Haryana Congress MLA Bishnoi's premises - Hindi News | I-T raids end on Haryana Congress MLA Bishnoi's premises | Latest national News at

National :I-T raids end on Haryana Congress MLA Bishnoi's premises

The four-day search operations by the Income Tax (I-T) Department in the premises of Haryana Congress legislator Kuldeep Bishnoi ended on Friday with his youngest son Bhavya accompanying the sleuths when they departed from his residence here. ...