
Lyftrondata, News

Lyftrondata, Latest News

Lyftrondata launched Modern SAAS ETL Platform for instant analytics - Hindi News | Lyftrondata launched Modern SAAS ETL Platform for instant analytics | Latest business News at

Business :Lyftrondata launched Modern SAAS ETL Platform for instant analytics

Lyftrondata, the creators of a modern data stack solution, today officially launched its universal SAAS ETL platform in the United States and the rest of the world. Its advanced technology layer unifies structured and semi-structured data from more t ...

Lyftrondata launched Modern SAAS ETL Platform for instant analytics - Hindi News | Lyftrondata launched Modern SAAS ETL Platform for instant analytics | Latest business News at

Business :Lyftrondata launched Modern SAAS ETL Platform for instant analytics

Lyftrondata, the creators of a modern data stack solution, today officially launched its universal SAAS ETL platform in the United States and the rest of the world. Its advanced technology layer unifies structured and semi-structured data from more t ...