
Mevalal Choudhary, News

Mevalal choudhary, Latest News

By-polls happening due to Nitish Kumar's incapability in providing medical treatment to his MLAs: Tejashwi Yadav slams Bihar Govt - Hindi News | By-polls happening due to Nitish Kumar's incapability in providing medical treatment to his MLAs: Tejashwi Yadav slams Bihar Govt | Latest politics News at

Politics :By-polls happening due to Nitish Kumar's incapability in providing medical treatment to his MLAs: Tejashwi Yadav slams Bihar Govt

Ahead of By-polls in Bihar, Leader of opposition in the state assembly Tejashwi Yadav on Monday slammed Chief Minister and JD-U President Nitish Kumar over "poor health facilities" in Bihar and alleged that the need to conduct by-polls has arisen bec ...