
Pinayari Vijayan, News

Pinayari vijayan, Latest News

Beedi worker donates life savings for free COVID-19 vaccines in Kerala - Hindi News | Beedi worker donates life savings for free COVID-19 vaccines in Kerala | Latest national News at

National :Beedi worker donates life savings for free COVID-19 vaccines in Kerala

At a time when the Kerala government and Centre are involved in a blame game over who should spend money for COVID-19 vaccination, Keralites, in a display of solidarity, are donating their life savings to the Chief Minister's Distress Relief Fund (CM ...

Ahead of Kerala assembly polls, NCP leader Mani C Kappan joins UDF - Hindi News | Ahead of Kerala assembly polls, NCP leader Mani C Kappan joins UDF | Latest national News at

National :Ahead of Kerala assembly polls, NCP leader Mani C Kappan joins UDF

Ahead of assembly polls in Kerala, the Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) leader Mani C Kappan and the incumbent Pala legislator, joined United Democratic Front (UDF) on Sunday. ...