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Up to 100 per cent improved drop performance: SCHOTT re-invents smartphone cover glass with Xensation® a (Alpha) - Hindi News | Up to 100 per cent improved drop performance: SCHOTT re-invents smartphone cover glass with Xensation® a (Alpha) | Latest technology News at

Technology :Up to 100 per cent improved drop performance: SCHOTT re-invents smartphone cover glass with Xensation® a (Alpha)

The international technology group SCHOTT, inventor of speciality glass and pioneer in the development of groundbreaking glass types, is bringing a new generation of smartphone cover glass to products like Vivo's upcoming flagship devices. ...

Up to 100 per cent improved drop performance: SCHOTT re-invents smartphone cover glass with Xensation® a - Hindi News | Up to 100 per cent improved drop performance: SCHOTT re-invents smartphone cover glass with Xensation® a | Latest technology News at

Technology :Up to 100 per cent improved drop performance: SCHOTT re-invents smartphone cover glass with Xensation® a

The international technology group SCHOTT, inventor of speciality glass and pioneer in the development of groundbreaking glass types, is bringing a new generation of smartphone cover glass to products like Vivo's upcoming flagship devices. ...