

Pslv, Latest News

The Indian Space Research Organisation is the space agency of the Government of India headquartered in the city of Bengaluru. Its vision is to "harness space technology for national development while pursuing space science research & planetary exploration".
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Countdown for India's spy satellite launch progressing smoothly - Hindi News | Countdown for India's spy satellite launch progressing smoothly | Latest national News at

National :Countdown for India's spy satellite launch progressing smoothly

The Indian space agency is all gearing up for the Wednesday evening launch of the country's own advanced spy satellite RISAT-2BR1 and nine foreign satellites from the Sriharikota rocket port in Andhra Pradesh. ...

Land acquisition underway for 2nd rocket port in Tuticorin - Hindi News | Land acquisition underway for 2nd rocket port in Tuticorin | Latest national News at

National :Land acquisition underway for 2nd rocket port in Tuticorin

The land acquisition in Tamil Nadu's Tuticorin district for India's second rocket port is under progress, a top district official said on Friday. ...

Is NewSpace India on the rise while Antrix Corporation wanes? - Hindi News | Is NewSpace India on the rise while Antrix Corporation wanes? | Latest business News at

Business :Is NewSpace India on the rise while Antrix Corporation wanes?

With NewSpace India Ltd bagging the contract for the launch of 13 nano satellites from the US, the question that begs an answer - is it going to be curtains for Antrix Corporation Ltd? ...