
Rayan Munawer, News

Rayan munawer, Latest News

ATM Ventures, Houzbay Consulting join hands for a real estate project in Bengaluru - Hindi News | ATM Ventures, Houzbay Consulting join hands for a real estate project in Bengaluru | Latest business News at

Business :ATM Ventures, Houzbay Consulting join hands for a real estate project in Bengaluru

AMT Ventures has teamed up with launch and strategic partner Houzbay to launch their new project "Kadamba" in the foothills of Nandi Hills in North Bengaluru. The partnership is meant for AMT Ventures' 55-acre dream project, "Kadamba" Estate Plots & ...

JR Housing Developers partners with Houzbay Consulting for their Villa Plot Project, JR Urbania - 'Around The Trees' - Hindi News | JR Housing Developers partners with Houzbay Consulting for their Villa Plot Project, JR Urbania - 'Around The Trees' | Latest business News at

Business :JR Housing Developers partners with Houzbay Consulting for their Villa Plot Project, JR Urbania - 'Around The Trees'

JR housing developers have partnered with Houzbay Consulting, one of the leading real estate Launch and Strategic partner in India, for their JR Urbania - 'Around The Trees' residential plotted development and commercial plots. JR Urbania is a premiu ...