
Sandhya, News

Sandhya, Latest News

Deepika Singh is an Indian television actress. She is known for playing the role of Sandhya in the Star Plus series Diya Aur Baati Hum.
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If you are positive, then try to stay positive - Hindi News | If you are positive, then try to stay positive | Latest aurangabad News at

Aurangabad :If you are positive, then try to stay positive

Aurangabad, May 8: As soon as the Covid-19 report comes, many people get frightened and their health starts deteriorating. ... ...

Judiciary system should function to do justice; guilty policemen should be punished for 'fake' encounter: Petitioner - Hindi News | Judiciary system should function to do justice; guilty policemen should be punished for 'fake' encounter: Petitioner | Latest national News at

National :Judiciary system should function to do justice; guilty policemen should be punished for 'fake' encounter: Petitioner

Hours after Telangana High Court ordered a second autopsy of the bodies of the four accused in rape and murder of a veterinary doctor, an activist and one of the main petitioners in the encounter case, Sandhya R on Saturday said that the judicial sys ...