
Sarai Shahzada, News

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People in Kabul facing difficulties due to soaring prices, suspension of banking services - Hindi News | People in Kabul facing difficulties due to soaring prices, suspension of banking services | Latest international News at

International :People in Kabul facing difficulties due to soaring prices, suspension of banking services

Kabul, the capital city of Afghanistan, is witnessing a massive surge in prices of commodities and suspension of banking services as the Taliban took control of the nation last week after the fall of the Ashraf Ghani government. ...

People in Kabul facing difficulties due to soaring prices, suspension of banking services - Hindi News | People in Kabul facing difficulties due to soaring prices, suspension of banking services | Latest international News at

International :People in Kabul facing difficulties due to soaring prices, suspension of banking services

Kabul, the capital city of Afghanistan, is witnessing a massive surge in prices of commodities and suspension of banking services as the Taliban took control of the nation last week after the fall of the Ashraf Ghani government. ...