
Swog Cancer Research Network, News

Swog cancer research network, Latest News

Study finds patients with metastatic prostate cancer live notably longer - Hindi News | Study finds patients with metastatic prostate cancer live notably longer | Latest health News at

Health :Study finds patients with metastatic prostate cancer live notably longer

Researchers from SWOG Cancer Research Network have significantly extended median survival for patients with hormone-sensitive metastatic prostate cancer. This result comes from a large randomized clinical trial aimed at testing a new treatment for th ...

Study asserts blood enzyme activity level may indicate which breast cancers are growing slow - Hindi News | Study asserts blood enzyme activity level may indicate which breast cancers are growing slow | Latest health News at

Health :Study asserts blood enzyme activity level may indicate which breast cancers are growing slow

Patients with metastatic hormone receptor-positive breast cancer who have low activity levels of the enzyme sTK1 in their blood serum at the start of anti-estrogen treatment live longer and go longer without their disease progressing than patients wi ...

Blood enzyme activity level may indicate which breast cancers are slow-growing: Study - Hindi News | Blood enzyme activity level may indicate which breast cancers are slow-growing: Study | Latest technology News at

Technology :Blood enzyme activity level may indicate which breast cancers are slow-growing: Study

Researchers with the SWOG Cancer Research Network have found that patients with metastatic hormone receptor-positive breast cancer who have low activity levels of the enzyme sTK1 in their blood serum at the start of anti-estrogen treatment live longe ...

Cabozantinib most effective treatment for metastatic papillary kidney cancer: Study - Hindi News | Cabozantinib most effective treatment for metastatic papillary kidney cancer: Study | Latest health News at

Health :Cabozantinib most effective treatment for metastatic papillary kidney cancer: Study

Recent research in a SWOG Cancer Research Network trial that put three targeted drugs to the test, found cabozantinib, which is a small molecule inhibitor, most effective in treating patients with metastatic papillary kidney cancer. ...

Study reveals cabozantinib most effective treatment for metastatic papillary kidney cancer - Hindi News | Study reveals cabozantinib most effective treatment for metastatic papillary kidney cancer | Latest health News at

Health :Study reveals cabozantinib most effective treatment for metastatic papillary kidney cancer

In a SWOG Cancer Research Network trial that put three targeted drugs to the test, the small molecule inhibitor cabozantinib was found most effective in treating patients with metastatic papillary kidney cancer - findings expected to change medical p ...

Physical activity can bring 'big impact' for women with high-risk breast cancer - Hindi News | Physical activity can bring 'big impact' for women with high-risk breast cancer | Latest health News at

Health :Physical activity can bring 'big impact' for women with high-risk breast cancer

A two and half hours a week of exercise can help women not only to live longer but are also more likely to remain cancer-free after their treatment, according to a recent study. ...

Even a little physical activity pays big dividends to high-risk breast cancer patients - Hindi News | Even a little physical activity pays big dividends to high-risk breast cancer patients | Latest health News at

Health :Even a little physical activity pays big dividends to high-risk breast cancer patients

The results of a study on breast cancer patients show that women who exercise not only live longer, but also are more likely to remain cancer-free after their treatment. ...