
Vishal Jethva, News

Vishal jethva, Latest News

Kajol, Remo D'souza, Raghav Juyal and many other Bollywood celebrities graced 5th edition of MLA Aslam Shaikh's Malad Masti - Hindi News | Kajol, Remo D'souza, Raghav Juyal and many other Bollywood celebrities graced 5th edition of MLA Aslam Shaikh's Malad Masti | Latest business News at

Business :Kajol, Remo D'souza, Raghav Juyal and many other Bollywood celebrities graced 5th edition of MLA Aslam Shaikh's Malad Masti

Malad Masti, an event that was attended by many celebs like Kajol, Vishal Jethva, Remo D'souza, Raghav Juyal, Ali Asgar, Chinki Minki, Ridhimi Tiwari, Dr Anil Murarka, Sreerama Chandra, Baseer Ali, Madhur Sharma, Dhvani Bhanushali and others near Ino ...