Eight candidates take applications for elections

By Lokmat English Desk | Published: January 5, 2023 10:40 PM2023-01-05T22:40:02+5:302023-01-05T22:40:02+5:30

Irresponsibility will not be tolerated - Divisional commissioner Aurangabad: Marathwada teacher's constituency election process started from Thursday. On the ...

Eight candidates take applications for elections | Eight candidates take applications for elections

Eight candidates take applications for elections

Irresponsibility will not be tolerated - Divisional commissioner

Aurangabad: Marathwada teacher's constituency election process started from Thursday. On the first day, eight candidates filed their nomination papers. This includes MLC Vikram Kale, Pradeep Salunke and other candidates.

The last date for submission of applications is January 12. Election is being held as MLC Kale's term expires on February 7. The process of receiving and filing nominations has started from Thursday. Kale's candidature from NCP has not been announced yet. BJP has announced the candidature of Kiran Patil. The application will be scrutinized on January 13. The deadline for withdrawing the application is January 16. Voting will be held on January 30 and counting of votes will be held on February 2.

Meanwhile, divisional commissioner Kendrekar has warned that irresponsibility will not be tolerated in the election work. Also, 15 to 16 different committees have been formed in each tehsil. There will be around 1,200 employees in the voting process. A total of 227 polling stations, including 222 main and 5 auxiliary, have been fixed in the division for 61,529 voters. The commissioner has instructed the employees to perform the tasks assigned in the election.

Casual leave to teachers for polling

Voting for the teacher constituency election will be held on January 30 from 8 am to 4 pm. Teacher electors who are voters for this election are required to take special casual leave on polling day to exercise their right to vote on election day. This leave shall be in addition to other casual leave of the employees.

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